Yule Goat is a supporting antagonists of the Christmas comedy-horror film Krampus. There are several Yule Goats during near the ending of the film, mostly they are used by Krampus as his "Goat" that pulls his sleigh, these creatures are large, bulky and violent, usually seen as rising from their hind legs and stomping the ground and headbutting each other as a form of entertaining each other. They are covered with thick fur and have mountain goat-like horns and skulls for faces
The Yule Goat or Julbocken is a creature originating from Germanic celebrations of the Winter Solstice holiday of Yüle. Originally the goat symbolized good harvests and the beauty of nature but after the holiday season was appropriated by the Roman Christians they demonized the goat. Following the appropriation, Julblocken was used to symbolize the Devil and was dragged around by St. Nicholas on a rope with effigies also being made of it for decoration. By the 19th century, Julbocken became more of a traditional gift-bringer character who would intrude into peoples houses singing and demanding and giving out presents. The creature in many countries of the world is still celebrated but often portrayed as being a figure identical to Santa Claus with some countries having even taken away it's goat traits.
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